High Performance LINEATOR™
The Lineator High Performance (HP) model is used where the highest power quality demands must be met. Lineator HP outperforms active filters in efficiency, with gains of 2 per cent or more. It is more reliable and easier to maintain than any of the complex AFE drives or active filters currently available.
Specifying the Lineator HP for applications with standard 6-Pulse ASD's provides end-users with low harmonic drive systems at 20 to 30 per cent less in capital costs than other solutions. Operating costs are also significantly lowered due to the higher efficiency gains.
In addition to all the benefits of the Lineator AUHF, the new High Performance HP model offers < 5% ITDD. With the addition of a tap to allow for reactor impedance adjustment, current distortion levels of < 5% can be achieved without introducing excessive voltage drop or ASD instability.